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- Keith's October Newsletter
Keith's October Newsletter
Westward, HO!
Hi All
Well, this newsletter is several days late but hopefully you understand why. I now no longer live in Leeds, I live in Manchester, and I start my new job in two days time. There’s been a lot of change in the past few weeks, requiring a lot of energy, and the rest of the month is probably going to be just as tiring.
No Idea How It All Worked Out
Moving to Manchester was pretty intense. I packed for weeks. By the time I was done several full boxes had gone to the chairty shop, as had most of my furniture, and my worldly posessions could easily fit into the back of a van. NB: Most of the boxes in the image below are books.

My last day of work went with a whimper and some cupcakes. In all my life I’ve maybe had leaving drinks twice when I’ve left work, one of the many reasons I deprioritise my career. if they don’t care I’m there why should I?
The move happened fast, just a few hours, and before I knew it I was living in a rather nice, surprisingly big, one-bed flat in an apartment building with a concierge and an elevator. It’s more expensive than my old place but infinitely greater value for money.
I feel pretty good about the move. So far things are going well, and I like the Manchester vibe. No idea yet what work will be like but hopefully it won’t be too bad. From the situation I know it will be challenging, but as long as I maintain my perspective with things I should be alright. Everything is temporary one way or another, so why stress about it?
News From The Steam Factory
Unsurprisingly there hasn’t been a great deal of writing going on. I hope to remedy this soon, as I settle into my new place. Now that a lot of the uncertainty has been lifted I can concentrate on the things that really matter.

My List Of Ongoing Projects
It’s hard to decide what to work on next. There are projects that intrigue me, and projects that might make me money, but unfortunately they’re not the same. Then there’s the sequel to Glunda which I should probably prioritise, GLUNDA THE VEG WITCH being a finalist in the Book Blogger Novel of the Year Award, but I need a proper outline for that, and try as I might I can’t quite pin it down.
There has been some writing going on though. Struck by inspiration I jotted down the opening of Frieda’s Tale, a prequel to IN THE VALLEY OF THE WIND (still on sub worldwide) which as you can see is not on the list of Ongoing Projects above.

Prologue for Frieda’s Tale… probably.
I won’t be doing any more work on this for a long time (I don’t think) but when inspiration strikes you’ve got to go with it and start jotting things down. I know from experience that if you don’t the regret can cut you like a knife.
Speaking of writing, I came across something you might find of interest whilst packing. It’s a rejection letter from 2000/2001 that I found rather inspiring.

When I read it I had no doubt I was in the top 5%, and I still don’t lol. That feeling was reinforced when at the same time another agent accidentally sent me two other people’s submissions when they returned mine. To say they were unreadable would be an understatement.
Let me tell you, budding authors, that if your submission is legible, well presented, and has been through at least one round of editing with someone who has your best interests at heart, you’re already way ahead of the pack. After that it’s just luck and timing, two things you have no control over.
When I’m Not Writing
Packing really does help you focus your priorities. I binned the Dragonlance books I was reading and have moved on to The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. I’m enjoying it so far, and look forward to reading more. I wish I could give a more detailed review but I’m only a few chapters in. The best I can tell you is I’m not bored, which is a real bonus considering some of the stuff I’ve tried recently.

Next up after this is Vacation On Planet Glor by LA Guettler. It’s time to start cutting down my ‘To Be Read’ pile, and this is where I’m going to begin.
And there you go. Current mischief managed, as they say. I still have to figure out where to get a decent haircut, and there’s some things about the flat that need sorting out, but I’ve over the hump (over the hill? lol) and ready for the next chapter in my life.
Hope all is well with all of you. Thanks for tuning in and sticking with me. In a world so full of uncertainty and doubt I appreciate the support. Now that I’m settling into the new place I hope to repay that support with words to delight and amuse. And as always, if there is anything new to share, you’ll be the first to know!
Toodle-pip for now.