Keith's December Newsletter

Keith's December Newsletter

Greetings Fellow Humans

Some fairly low-key developments to share with you this month. Nothing major, it's been a "chipping away at it" kind of month for me, but developments nonetheless.

Here we go!

It's Flesh Device Modification Time

Or, to put it another way, I have new glasses.

They're stronger than my old ones, so much so I had to get a weaker pair made some that I could still wear them for work, but it's nice to be able to see my phone without having to hold it at arms length again.

You've got to take care of your eyes, especially when there is so much out there to see!

The ruins of Kirkstall Abbey in the sunshine, a tree with yellow leaves hidden amongst the tumbeldown rocks.

I've also had a bit of a health check-up this month and I'm glad to say they found nothing wrong with me. I guess my daily yoga sessions are paying off, considering how much junk food I eat.

I dispute their finding that I am 3kg heavier than my scales at home say I am, but since my weight isn't causing me any problems other than a need to buy new jeans, I'm willing to look the other way... for now.

News from the Steam Factory

Production of the badges I shared with you last month is progressing. I had a larger sample made which I thinks works better, and I put an order in today to make a hundred of them.

Still not entirely sure what I'll do with them yet, but it'll be nice to have them on hand just in case. You never know when inspiration might strike.

I've also been working on a synopsis of

The Dragonfly Delivery Company

, in case I suddenly decide to query a bunch of agents with it. Querying agents would be a weird thing to do since the sequel to a self-published book that didn't sell massively would be a hard pitch to present, but I'm so confident that TDDC is good that I'm tempted to give it a go.

I've been using a synopsis builder a friend gave me to get me started. Check out what I have so far (I'm sure you'll recognise the example, lol).

When I'm Not Writing

I devoured the live-action Cowboy Bebop that came out on Netflix this month; all ten episodes in three days. I could not have loved it more. Fun, funny, and very creative, I cannot recommend it highly enough.

I didn't see the anime it's based on, so if you have you may be disappointed. That seems to be the consensus of opinion. But if you can come at it with an open mind, and not compare the two, I'm sure you will enjoy it too.

And there you have it. Like I say, chipping away at things.

As well as all that above I'm developing two steampunk games - one board, the other card - with the help of a new Twitter friend. And I've also done a guest blog post on

, run by another new Twitter associate, which I think you will enjoy. If you've ever wondered if you've got a bit of a steampunk problem, now's the time to


Toodle-pip for now.
