Keith's January Newsletter

Keith's January Newsletter

Happy New Year Everyone!

Yes I know I'm late, but since this is the first newsletter of 2022, technically I'm not wrong.

Lots going on this month, including a giveaway that you can get involved with. Check this out...

Welcome To One Of The Most Stressful Things You Will Ever Do

I've started looking for a house to buy. It's already a nightmare. I won't go on about it now, because quite frankly I've got better things to talk about. Just cross your fingers and wish me luck. I think I'm gonna need it.

News from the Steam Factory

Friends, the re-release of

is officially

on Amazon. Just the e-book so far, even though the paperback will come out on the same day (more or less). Amazon won't let me make paperbacks available for pre-order for some unknown reason. I don't know why.

It's £1:99/$1:99 for a limited time only, so get it while you can before it doubles in price!

Acrylic badge of Dexter the tortoiseshell tabby, wearing a green scarf and brass goggles, grinning out at us. The badge is leaning against a squishy Grogu stress ball.

I'm making a real push to get that elusive orange Amazon No.1 Bestseller banner, so as well as the low price I'm running a competition to win an acrylic Dexter badge (above) along with a signed copy of the paperback (worth £8:99).

To enter all you have to do is e-mail me some kind of proof of your pre-order purchase to

and your name will go in the stovepipe hat. The draw will be on the 8th of February, when the book comes out, and I'm willing to send the prize anywhere in the world, so why not go for it. You never know, you might get lucky!

Friends, it should come as no surprise that I want this book to sell well.

, I really want it to get noticed, so if you've got a couple of quid to spare it would be much appreciated. If I can get enough pre-sales by launch day it could be the push I need to really start getting somewhere.

EXCLUSIVE NEWS!! This literally just in. My designer Nell has sent me her latest cover for Dexter & Sinister!

If you go

you'll see a cover on there with what I've decided are questionable colour choices (My choices. I own my mistakes.) Nell has done me a cover with how she thinks it should look, and because you guys are the best, and deserving of a sneak peek behind the scenes look, I wanted to share that with you all.

Dark red cover, fading light to dark down page. Brassy yellow title text. Dexter and sinister detetcing agents. The cat from the badge grinning out at us. White etxt below. Keith W Dickinson.

What do you think? Better than the bright red that's on there now, eh? I think we may have a winner ladies and gentlemen. If so, when you click on the link it will already have been replaced, lol. In fact, with that in mind, it's only fair I show you the competition.

The same cover as described above, but with much more garish colours.

See what I mean? Side by side there's no competition really, is there.

When I'm Not Writing

Box for Ghost of Tsushima on the PS4, featuring a samurai warrior, next to the cover for The Hogfather, done in lots of Christmas reds and greens, the Hogfather on his sleight flying over Ankh morpork, being pulled by four flying pigs.

As my brain is so very full of new things, I have been taking comfort in the familiar this month, that being

Ghost of Tsushima

, Terry Pratchett's

The Hogfather

, and the TV series



Ghost of Tsushima

is an open world RPG where you play a samurai trying to rid his island from mongol invaders. It's nice and simple, with lots of little side missions, great for when you need half an hour's play to clear your head. Think Red Dead Redemption but with more swords.

I bought

The Hogfather

purely for the 25th anniversary edition cover. I didn't intend to read it, but read it I am, and as per usual I am blow away by Pratchett's description and storytelling. The man truly was a genius. And, good news!, it's gotten me back into writing again (when I have time). Honestly, it feels like forever since I put pen to paper in earnest.

I found


, a series about a town full of genius scientists and the poor sheriff who has to keep them in line, on IMDB TV one night. One of my favourite series when it was out, I'm slowly going through them late at night when it's time to turn my brain off. So easy to watch, fun and inoffensive, if you like weird and silly, but also heartfelt and well written, this is the series for you.

Like I say, it's been quite a start to the year, and it's only going to get busier. Plus this coming year is the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese calendar, my year, so I better prepare myself for that as well, lol. With The Dragonfly Delivery Company coming out, and hopefully some in-person events to get to too, it's certainly going to give me something to do!

As ever, I appreciate your support. Without you guys I'd just be some crazy guy in a funny hat telling weird stories to himself and wishing he had someone to share them with. You guys make the effort worthwhile. I wish you the best for 2022, the Year of the Tiger, and beyond.

Toodle-pip for now.
