Keith's May Newsletter

Keith's May Newsletter

Greetings Fellow Humans

Gonna get straight into it today. You ready? BOOM! Here we go!

Goodnight, Sweet Prince

I was asleep for most of May. Had so many night shifts to do I honestly don't know where the days went. Night shifts are a killer. Going to have to give them up eventually, but unless I become rich and famous in the next twelve months it's not going to be any time soon.

I did go and see

Everything, Everywhere, All At Once

though this month. My first time going into the centre of Leeds since moving here in fact. The whole thing was quite and experience. Walking round shops again, looking at ice cream scoops in TK Maxx, then the movie of course which was really good (although I personally had some reservations about certain parts). Still I recommend going to see it. It's worth the price of admission.

News From The Steam Factory

The Dragonfly Delivery Company is almost done. The cover illustration is finished, barring some minor tweaks that have only just come to light today. And the cover design is almost there, barring the illustration changes and a possible quote for the cover.

It's going to be tight getting it ready for International Steampunk Day on Tuesday 14th June, but hopefully we'll can make it.

International Steampunk Day is also when

will be free to download for a couple of days. I've added it to Kindle Unlimited already, so anybody with a KU subscription can now read it for free, but I'm hoping that making it free to download will help boost sales on

The Dragonfly Delivery Company

also, as well as maybe push

Dexter & Sinister

to the top of one of its categories.

There will be a Freebooksy promotion on that day too, to get it seen by up to 20,000 people. Fingers crossed enough of them are interested enough to give it a go.

When I'm Not Writing

I never do much of anything when I'm on night shifts (or recovering from night shifts) but the one thing I do remember watching deliberately and all the way through is the latest Wes Anderson movie,

The French Dispatch


I do enjoy a bit of Wes Anderson. His film

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

is one of my favourite films of all time. I can't really explain what The French Dispatch is all about because it's Wes Anderson, suffice to say it's a collection of quirky short stories held together by a loose thread that, if you've ever enjoyed one of his movies before, you'll probably enjoy this one. Everyone turns in a great performance, and all of the characters and tales are quite memorable.

Feels like this was a fast one today. Been a busy day all round in fact. I'm curating the

Twitter feed this week, and will be doing so until Sunday. Today I did a whole thread on

which I also turned into a blog post for all posterity. If you've ever wondered what steampunk is all about do check it out.

Toodle-pip for now.
