Keith's September Newsletter

Keith's September Newsletter

Hello, you Beautiful People

As the sky darkens and the nights draw in, what delights does the Steam factory have in store for the coming months?

Let's see...

A Little Self Care

After the fun and excitement of

, August has been a month of rest and relaxation. I've done some local walks, eaten some nice food, and I passed the one year mark on my epic yoga journey.

I'd like to say a year of yoga has made me into a spiritual master, but all it's done for me recently has given me a bad back, lol. Thankfully I've found a local osteopath who is helping me sort my weird body out.

It has at least been habit forming though, as I have yet to miss a day. I'm up to 385 now.

As well as all the yoga I'm trying to go on walks more. It's that or buy bigger pants! Check out the canal walk that's just a short distance from my front door. Nice, huh?

News from the Steam Factory

Two bits of news from the Steam Factory this month.

First, rewrites on

The Dragonfly Delivery Company

are almost done, so much so that I have booked an edit for the end of the month.

That gives my readers three weeks to get back to me on any changes I need to make. A tall order, considering I haven't sent it to them yet. But I had to do something to get things moving, and nothing motivates you like a deadline.

They'll get it sent to them tomorrow, so it's not so bad. And I don't anticipate any

major problems, so it should be fine. Of course, if I could anticipate major problems I wouldn't need proof readers, lol, so cross your fingers for me.

The other bit of news is that we have finally finished working on a new image for the cover re-do on

Dexter & Sinister: Detecting Agents


Check out how cheeky Dexter looks now!

This is of course just a sneak peek. I will be doing a proper cover reveal in next month's newsletter.

You will be the first to see the new cover in all its glory, once I've worked out how to use my new design software that is.

When I'm Not Writing

I actually read something this month! After a year of no motivation I gave

a go.

It's a great book, which is no surprise from a man of Scalzi's reputation. Also, when you're thanking writers such as Cory Doctorow in your debut novel you're probably onto a winner too, lol.

The story of geriatric human beings who are given genetic enhancements and sent out into the galaxy to protect mankind's interests in a harsh and unforgiving universe, Old Man's War is easy to read and thoroughly enjoyable. Unsurprisingly, it has spawned a number of sequels, all of which I will be consuming with great enthusiasm.

Like the characters in Old Man's War I have also been busy killing things.

I'm not a big fan of first person shooters and the like, which is why I love the Hitman games so much. If you like strategic, puzzle solving games that aren't just run and gun, hack and slash type stuff, then the

series is for you.

You can follow their Story Missions, which guide you through each assassination step by step, or you can go completely rogue, killing people in new and interesting ways depending on what you find along the way. Sometimes I do one, and sometimes the other. It depends what kind of mood I'm in (or whether the Story Mission suddenly goes all Pete Tong, lol).

They're up to number three now, but if you want to give it a try without spending too much money both


are equally as good as the latest version.

And there you have it my friends, another month at the Steam Factory. Next month is going to be truly exciting, as we move towards putting more stuff out into the world. I'm really excited about what's in the works, and I hope you are too!

Toodle-pip for now.
